Webinar: Predictive Analytics, Assessing Vulnerability & Community Referrals

Predictive analytics and natural language processing are changing the way health systems care for patients and understand their needs. 60% of patients' long term wellness is determined by factors outside the clinic, which means that healthcare providers are navigating how to comprehensively address both clinical and social determinants of health. Because there is more to treating a patient than what is seen in the hospital room, the importance of a strong community referral system is also vital to addressing their needs. 

New technology and innovation allows us to move beyond screening for social needs to actually solving for them. Pieces has created an AI enabled closed loop network of community organizations and health systems to address clinical and social determinants.

Check out our presentation in the Community Health Center Inc. and its Weitzman Institute Path Forward Webinar Series, where Founder and CEO of Pieces, Ruben Amarasingham provides insights into predictive analytics, assessing vulnerability, and community referrals and how Pieces Predict and Pieces Connect helps transform patient care.



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