Identifying Social Determinants of Health

70% of health outcomes are determined by factors that take place outside hospital walls, and are often referred to as social determinants of health[...]

World Health Day: Building a Fairer, Healthier World

World Health Day is an important day each year that is celebrated across the world and presents a global opportunity to spread awareness and focus[...]

6 Doctors Who Changed Healthcare

There are countless doctors who have boldly gone where no one had before and changed the history of medicine. Innovation in healthcare allows for[...]

6 Types of Social Workers Who Change Lives

Social workers are essential members of society, advocating for change for those who need it, connecting individuals to needed community resources,[...]

Employee Spotlight: Get to Know Cequila Greer

This month we are excited to introduce you to our Community Network Executive, Cequila Greer, in honor of National Social Work month! Cequila is an[...]

5 Common Hospital Discharge Barriers that Prolong Excess Length of Stay

The discharge of a patient from the hospital can often be a complex process. There are many components that go into releasing a patient from the[...]

Challenges Children Face: Adverse childhood experiences and COVID-19

A person’s childhood shapes their lives in many ways. Almost 35 million children face experiences that put them at risk for behavioral or long-term[...]

Employee Spotlight: Get to Know Nic deVoogd

Pieces is full of hardworking and bright individuals dedicated to fulfilling our mission of advancing health and wellbeing. We're kicking off a new[...]

Artificial Intelligence Terms in Healthcare | Glossary

With terms natural language processing and machine learning, it can sometimes feel overwhelming trying to remember what each concept actually means.[...]

How AI Benefits Case Managers in the Discharge Process

As is well known in the industry, the hospital discharge process includes many components that could impact the success of a patient’s recovery well[...]